
Die Intruder Die. Ha! You’re Dead.

Picture this – then put yourself in this photo –

The teeth are brushed; face washed with my very own crocheted washcloths, hair in pig tails, tank top, and the husband’s pj pants. I turned on the TV and was watching a few baseball highlights. I crawl up onto the new fluffy king sized bed anticipating comfort and reprieve. Ah, it is great. But wait a minute; something is tickling my shoulder and I brush at it. It is just a hair that fell from my loose pigtail. Ick! Now it is on my arm, only this time it is moving towards my face – fast. No no no no no! That is not a hair! What the hell is that! A mosquito? A beetle? OH NO!

I grab my cell phone for light. It does very little. Ludo, my dog starts to freak. Ludo only goes after moths, I must be ok. Ewwwww, I can’t stand not knowing. Wtf! Something is on my back! I brush it away and I feel it ball up under my fingers. I jump from the bed to the light switch at the door, flip it on and see it. I wimper. Oh no. Oh No. OH.

A quarter sized yellow/white/transparent spider is waltzing around the bed, trying to get away from the dog. Thank god Ludo was there. He is the only thing that kept it in check as I panicked.

That thing was in my blanket, on my arm, bolting for my face, then on my BACK?


Then in the back of my head I hear myself saying “die spider, die!” as I ran at it with toilet paper. Sweet revenge. It ran for a little while, trying to get away but I must have hurt it when it was crawling all over me! I got it! *flush*

But now I am scared to lay in bed. I feel icky. Just this awful squirmy, crawling, icky feeling. Sleep? Ha, yeah right.

Spiders. They normally don’t bother me all that much. I don’t like killing them. I don’t like them alive. That tends to put me in a fickle position. In this case, the spider wanted me dead. It’s evil plot almost prevailed over me last night. However, in the end, it was I who scarcely conquered it. That bastard.

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